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Professional Photographer based in Los Angeles

Photography & Film
Posted 7 months ago

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Professional Photographer based in Los Angeles

Photography & Film
Posted 7 months ago
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My journey into the world of photography began at an early age, fueled by a curiosity for the beauty that surrounds us and a desire to freeze those moments in time. Over the years, I have cultivated my skills and expertise in various photographic genres, including portrait, landscape, event, and commercial photography.

Through years of experience and countless projects, I have developed a unique style that combines artistic vision with technical precision. I strive to encapsulate the true essence of my subjects, be it the striking vistas of the Californian landscape or the genuine emotions of individuals, and present them in a way that speaks to the viewer's soul.


For me, photography is more than just taking pictures; it's about telling a compelling story, evoking emotions, and creating a connection between the viewer and the image. Each photograph is a canvas for emotions, a tale waiting to be shared. I believe in the power of a photograph to transcend language and culture, to convey universal messages, and to leave a lasting impact on those who view it.


My mission as a photographer is to continuously push the boundaries of my creativity, seeking new perspectives, and refining my skills to deliver exceptional work. I am committed to understanding the unique needs and aspirations of my clients, ensuring that every project is executed with professionalism, precision, and a touch of artistic flair.

Get in Touch:

If you're in need of a photographer in Los Angeles who is not only proficient in the technical aspects of photography but also dedicated to capturing the essence of your story, I would be thrilled to collaborate with you. Let's work together to create timeless and captivating images that will resonate with you and your audience.

Thank you for considering me as your photographer. I look forward to the opportunity to bring your vision to life through my lens. Book Appointment: https://anthonymongiello.setmore.com/bookappointment

Anthony Mongiello's profile

Anthony Mongiello
Anthony Mongiello Registered for 7+ months Last online 2 months ago
Seller's description I am Anthony Mongiello, a passionate and dedicated professional photographer based in the vibrant and artistic city of Los Angeles. With a keen eye for detail and a love for storytelling through visuals, I have honed my craft to capture moments that resonate and leave a lasting impression. 810 E 3rd St. #404, 90013, Los Angeles, California, United States

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    Anthony Mongiello
    Anthony Mongiello
    14 active listings
    Trade Seller
    Registered for 7+ months
    Last online 2 months ago
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    Listing location

    810 E 3rd St. #404, 90013, Los Angeles, California, United States
    34.0536909, -118.242766

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    Professional Photographer based in Los Angeles
    Check with seller Professional Photographer based in Los Angeles by Anthony Mongiello
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